Failure Avoidance Coaching in Union County, NJ
The “fear of failure,” and the avoidance it engenders, presents a gigantic obstacle to fulfilling our potential. Few things in life matter more than getting a handle on our “failure avoidance.” This is a common, undermining defense mechanism—we kid ourselves that if we can “avoid” so-called failure, then we’re not failures. This is an “outcome-obsessed” perspective—meaning, a perspective in which a disappointing outcome is dreaded as reflecting on our essence. Few of us look deeply past conditioned, conventional, superficial notions of failure and success. Yet it’s essential to reconsider what really constitutes failure. Individuals primed for “success” relish their freedom to “lay out” for their aims; to invest “full throttle” in particular goals, fully aware they can’t control “outcomes,” only their effort. For them, their willingness to express their determination, irrespective of outcomes, is their success. Working with me as your Life Coach, let’s resolve “failure avoidance,” because it can change your life.